Saturday, November 28, 2009

Me the movie buff

Being an avid movie viewer, I thought I would dedicate a full page to the movies I have loved watching while growing up and some of which I just can't get enough of.

I share this passion for watching good movies with my brother which in turn is instilled from our dad who never missed any of those James Bond movie. True that his choice of movies is totally different from mine, but that does not stop me from sharing with him the story of any good movie I see and recommending him to watch it as well. Being in the same age group, my brother and I share the same taste in movies so it becomes a joy to talk at length even about about particular instances we loved from a particular movie... Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind is one I can recall.

The obsession does not stop at just liking and seeing the movie n number of times but goes one level ahead to exploring their soundtrack, certain dialogues that just stick ( courtesy The last Samurai, Journey to the west ...).

It would be unfair for me to name the best movie I have seen by far as the list would be endless and I could not rate them. Hence, I shall be updating this page with the movie I enjoyed watching and would recommend watching from now on...

Movie Title Genre Year Language
Inglourious basterds War 2009 English
Up Animation 2009 English
Europa Europa War 1990 German
The Reader Drama 2008 English
Work in progress....

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